We still haven't settled on a name for this "holiday"...but it has been an eventful year and it felt worthy of a celebration. I don't love Gotcha Day or Adoption day...seems like those terms 1)remind him of his loss 2)single him out from our other kids 3)are discouraged by many experts...just to name a few of the reasons that leave me perplexed about what to "name" the day. Honestly, I'm not even convinced this is a day we should specifically celebrate. If all of our kids were adopted...maybe so, but with the mix of bio and adopted...it complicates things and I want to be sure of the message we are sending to all of our children. This year, we called it Ethiopia Day and each of the kids received a small gift (Ethiopia t-shirts). We then went to a fabulous Ethiopian restaurant for dinner.

Happy One Year home...Caleb Gebremedin Aleymayehu.

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